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Journal Articles & Book Chapters

View past media coverage of my research by clicking here

Robinson, O.C. (2023). Probing in qualitative research interviews: Theory and practice. Qualitative Research in Psychology, online first. View full text here

Robinson, O.C. & Fisher, A. (2023). Experiences of moving an older parent into a care home or nursing home in the UK: A qualitative study. Current Psychology, 24, 1-12. View full text here

Robinson, O.C. & Vasile, M-C. (2023). The perceived link between dreams and the spiritual life: An exploratory qualitative survey . Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 13:1, 63-73. View full text here 

Vleioras, G., & Robinson, O.C. (2022). Attributes and person types admired by Greek emerging adults: Relative prevalence, differences by gender and socio-economic status. Emerging Adulthood, 11(2), 394–402.

Petrov, N., Arnett, J. & Robinson, O.C. (2022). The Developmental Crisis Questionnaire (DCQ-12): Psychometric Development and Validation. Journal of Adult Development. Online first.  View full text here

Robinson, O.C. (2022). Thematic analysis for brief texts: The structured tabular approach.  Qualitative Psychology, 9, 2, 194–208.

Michael, P., Luke, D. & Robinson, O.C. (2021). An encounter with the other: A thematic and content analysis of DMT Experiences from a naturalistic field study. Frontiers in Psychology: Consciousness Research. View full text here

Robinson, O.C. (2021). Covid-19 Lockdown policies: An interdisciplinary review. Integral Review, 17 (1)View full text

Robinson, O.C. (2021). Conducting thematic analysis on brief texts: The structured tabular approach. Qualitative Psychology, online first. View full text via ResearchGate

Arnett, J. J., Robinson, O.C., & Lachman, M. E. (2020). Rethinking adult development: Introduction to the special issue. American Psychologist, 75(4), 425-430. View online full text of article

Petrov, N. & Robinson, O.C. (2020). Dreams and their relationship to waking life. The Psychologist, 33, 48-51. View article online at

Robinson, O.C. (2020). Conducting thematic analysis on brief texts: The structured tabular approach. online pre-publication version at View pdf of article

Robinson, O.C. (2020) A dialectical approach to understanding the relationship between science and spirituality: The MODI model, Journal for the Study of Spirituality, DOI: 10.1080/20440243.2020.1726045  View submitted pre-print version

Agarwal, S., Guntuku, S., Robinson, O.C., Dunn, A., & Ungar, L. (2020). Examining the Phenomenon of Quarter-life Crisis through Artificial Intelligence and the Language of Twitter. Frontiers in Psychology. View full text of article


Asadi, S., Mohammadi Dehah, H. & Robinson, O.C. (2020). Personality change goals and plans as predictors of longitudinal trait change in young adults: A replication with an Iranian sample. Journal of Research in Personality, 85, 103912.

Petrov, N., Robinson, O.C. & Malinowski, J. (2019). What do dreams really mean? The relationship between dream content, age, recent experienced emotions and crisis episodes in adults. Poster presented at BPS Annual Conference, April 2019. View pdf of poster

CSQ-9 psychometric properties

Robinson, O.C. (2019). Using longitudinal designs and online micro-narrative data to further our understanding of biography and the life course. Advances in Life Course Research, online first. DOI

Robinson, O.C. (2018). A longitudinal mixed-methods case study of quarter-life crisis in a university graduate: Locked-out and locked-in forms in combination. Emerging Adulthood, online first. 

Robinson, O.C., Lorimer, D., & Hayward, G. (2018). Age and national gender-equality as moderators of the gender difference in religion and spirituality: Comparing Germany, France and the UK. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. DOI:10.1111/jssr.12567

Robinson, O.C., Demetre, J.D. & Litman, J.A. (2017). Adult life stage and crisis as predictors of curiosity and authenticity: Testing inferences from Erikson’s lifespan theory. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41, 426-431. DOI: 10.1177/0165025416645201 Go to article on journal website

Robinson, O.C. & Zukauskiene, R. (2017). Flourishing in European emerging adults: The challenges of positive development in a continent of inequality. In L.M.Padilla-Walker & L.Nelson (Eds). Flourishing in Emerging Adulthood: Positive development during the third decade of life, pp.431-444. NY: Oxford University Press.

Robinson, O.C. (2016). Emerging adulthood, early adulthood and quarter-life crisis: Updating Erikson for the twenty-first century. In. R. Žukauskiene (Ed.) Emerging adulthood in a European context (pp.17-30). New York: Routledge.

Litman, J.A., Robinson, O.C., & Demetre, J.D. (2016). Intrapersonal curiosity: Inquisitiveness about the inner self. Self and Identity,16, 231-250. 

Robinson, O.C. & Stell, A. (2015). Later life crisis: Towards a holistic model. Journal of Adult Development, 22, 38-49. DOI: 10.1007/s10804-014-9199-5 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C., Noftle, E.E., Guo, J., Asadi, S., & Zhang, X. (2015). Goals and plans for Big Five personality trait change in young adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 59, 31-43.DOI: View article via journal site


Robinson, O.C., Dunn, A., Nartova-Bochaver. S., Bochaver, K., Asadi, S., Khosravi, Z., Jafari, M., Zhang, X., Yang, Y. (2015). Figures of admiration in emerging adulthood: A four country study. Emerging Adulthood, 4, 82-91. DOI. 10.1177/2167696815601945 Go to article

Morgan, J., Robinson, O.C. & Thompson, T. (2015). Happiness and age in European adults: the moderating role of gross domestic product per capita. Psychology & Aging, 30, 544-551. DOI:  View pdf of article

Robinson, O.C. & McAdams, D.P. (2015). Four functional roles for case studies in emerging adulthood research. Emerging Adulthood, 3, 413-421. DOI: 10.1177/2167696815592727 View article via journal webpage

Robinson, O.C. (2015). Ayahuasca: a personal encounter with the miracle vine. Network Review Spring 2015, 24-25.

Robinson, O.C. (2014). Re-examining the epistemological foundations of quantitative psychology: Pluralism, not positivism. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Bulletin, 17, 5-8. View pdf

Robinson, O.C. (2014). Sampling in interview-based qualitative research: A theoretical and practical guide. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 11, 25-41. DOI 10.1080/14780887.2013.801543 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. & Wright, G.R.T. (2013). The prevalence, types and perceived outcomes of crisis episodes in early adulthood and midlife:  A structured retrospective-autobiographical study. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 37, 407-416. DOI: 10.1177/0165025413492464 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. (2013). Quarterlife crisis: An overview. Chinese Social Sciences, 6, 6-7. View pdf of manuscript

Robinson, O.C., Wright, G.R.T. & Smith, J.A. (2013). The holistic phase model of early adult crisis. Journal of Adult Development, 20, 27-37. DOI: 10.1007/s10804-013-9153-y  View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. (2014). What counts as positive growth following trauma? The conceptual difficulties of spiritual/religious change. European Journal of Personality, 28, 346-347. DOI: 10.1002/per.1970 View pdf via GALA

Chandler, R. & Robinson, O.C. (2014). Wellbeing in retirement villages: Eudaimonic challenges and opportunities. Journal of Aging Studies, 31, 10-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2014.08.001 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. (2013). Values and adult age: Findings from two cohorts of the European Social Survey. European Journal of Ageing, 10, 11-23. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-012-0247-3 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C., Lopez, F.G. & Ramos, K. (2014). Parental antipathy and neglect: Relations with Big Five personality traits, cross-context trait variability and authenticity. Personality and Individual Differences, 56, 180-185. DOI: View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C., Demetre, J.D., & Corney, R.H. (2010). Personality and retirement: Exploring the links between the Big Five personality traits, reasons for retirement, and the experience of being retired. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 792-797. View article via journal website

Querstret, D. & Robinson, O.C. (2013). Person, persona and personality modification: An in-depth qualitative exploration of quantitative findings. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 10, 140-159. DOI: 10.1080/14780887.2011.586450 View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C., Lopez, F.G., Ramos, K. & Nartova-Bochaver, S. (2013). Authenticity, social context and wellbeing in the USA, England, and Russia: A three country comparative analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 719-737. DOI: 10.1177/0022022112465672 View article via journal website

Morgan, J. & Robinson, O.C. (2013). Intrinsic aspirations and personal meaning across adulthood: Conceptual inter-relations and age/sex differences. Developmental Psychology, 49, 999-1010. DOI: 10.1037/a0029237 View article via journal website

Robinson, O. (2012). A war of words: the history of the idiographic/nomothetic debate. The Psychologist, 25, 164-167.

Robinson, O.C. (2011). The idiographic / nomothetic dichotomy: Tracing historical origins of contemporary confusions. History & Philosophy of Psychology, 13, 32–39. View pdf

Robinson, O.C. (2011). Relation Analysis: an ‘add-on’ technique for aiding data integration in qualitative research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8, 197-209. View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C., Wright, G.R.T. & Kendall, E. (2011). Parental attachment and its relationship to contextualised trait expression and mean-corrected cross-context trait variability.  Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 547-552. View article via journal website


Robinson, O.C., Demetre, J.D., & Corney, R.H. (2011). The variable experiences of becoming retired and seeking retirement guidance in the UK: A qualitative thematic analysis. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 39, 239-258. View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. & Smith, J.A. (2010). The stormy search for self in early adulthood: Developmental crisis and the dissolution of dysfunctional personae. The Humanistic Psychologist, 38, 120-145. Doi 10.1080/08873267.2010.485916 View article via journal website    View

Robinson, O.C. & Smith, J.A. (2010). Investigating the form and dynamics of crisis episodes in early adulthood: The application of a composite qualitative method. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 7, 170-191. View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. (2009). On the social malleability of traits: Variability and consistency in Big 5 trait expression across three interpersonal contexts. Journal of Individual Differences, 30, 201–208. View article via journal website

Robinson, O.C. (2008). Developmental Crisis and the Self in Early Adulthood: A Composite Qualitative Analysis. Doctoral Dissertation, Birkbeck College, London. View pdf of thesis

Robinson, O.C. (2008). The not-yet-developed world: Investigating the Parallels between Adolscence and Modernity, Network Review, Winter 2008, 11-16. View pdf of article

Robinson, O.C. & Griffiths, A. (2004). Coping with the stress of transformation change in a government department: A qualitative study.  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,  41(2), 204-221. View article via journal webpage


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